Interim blog setup, rough notes being dumped here at the moment - I'll tidy once I get to a milestone. And sorry about the layout, that'll probably take even longer to get around to... #TODO

{{ title }}

Published on 1970-01-01 by @danja

using standard linux tools, how do I modify a text file to remove the spaces from any strings in it of the following form : '<mbox:dylan_beadle -at->'. Match the < > characters, I'd like the result ''

(some fails with sed)

perl -pe 's/mbox:([^]+)>/my $x = $&; $x =~ s| -at- |-at-|g; $x =~ s| ||g; $x/ge' main_backup.n3 > main_backup-cleaner.n3

Could you now extend the previous Perl so that : <mbox:dylan_beadle -at-> becomes mbox:thaynes{at} becomes

perl -pe 's|mbox:([^]+)>|my $x = $&; $x =~ s|\s*-at-\s*|@|g; $x =~ s|{at}|@|g; $x =~ s|\s||g; $x|ge' main_backup.n3 > main_backup-cleaner.n3

perl -pe 's|mbox:([^]+)>|my $x = $1; $x =~ s|\s*-at-\s*|@|g; $x =~ s|{at}|@|g; $x =~ s|\s||g; "mbox:$x"|ge' main_backup.n3 > main_backup-cleaner.n3