Interim blog setup, rough notes being dumped here at the moment - I'll tidy once I get to a milestone. And sorry about the layout, that'll probably take even longer to get around to... #TODO

llama_index SPARQL Notes 07

Published on 2023-09-02 by @danja

Ok, time to attack the bits listed at the end of yesterday's post.

Break time. Made some progress, but got a bit distracted starting a master plan. Pretty much than same as I'd already put in the GraphRAG doc, but expanded a bit, more background, hopefully a better explanation for folks that occupy other Venn diagrams.

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/danny/AI/LIBS-under-dev/llama_index

Added extra logging to, just markers on functions defined in are being called -

logging.basicConfig(filename='loggy.log', filemode='w', level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'nebulagraph HERE')
...'#### nebulagraph client(self) called')

After running python, what was in loggy.log (in the dir I ran from) :

INFO:llama_index.indices.loading:Loading all indices.
INFO:llama_index.indices.loading:Loading all indices.
INFO:llama_index.graph_stores.nebulagraph:#### get_schema called

Ok, that's a start. For a bit more coverage, I'll do the same to and the skeletal

INFO:llama_index.graph_stores.nebulagraph:nebulagraph HERE
INFO:llama_index.graph_stores.simple:simple HERE
INFO:llama_index.indices.loading:Loading all indices.
INFO:llama_index.indices.loading:Loading all indices.
INFO:llama_index.graph_stores.nebulagraph:#### nebulagraph get_schema called